Episode 02: Amber

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In this episode, I interview Amber, small business owner and mother of 2 girls. Featuring adult meltdowns and the joys of a cleaner!

Mindful Pathways: http://www.mindfulpathways.com.au/
Mindful Child: http://www.mindfulpathways.com.au/mindful-child
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The Lowdown

– Family of 4
– 2 Working Parents
– 1 running a small business part time
– 1 working full time
– 1 school aged child
– 1 under 2yo


3:04 Sleep!
3:43 Parenting Super Powers
4:25 Who does what, when?
5:12 Flexible arrangements?
5:40 Grandparents
9:30 Have you been able to choose your own path?
11:41 Is it different with subsequent children?
14:43 What works well?
15:12 Location, location, location
16:00 Kindy! Kindy hours and ELC.
18:37 Downsides
18:52 Tired little ones
19:52 Past arrangements
20:11 Family Day Care
21:24 Friends and babysitters, guilt and favours
22:15 Where to from here?
22:50 How much to work when they are young?
23:52 Support in paid work environments?
26:18 Sharing the load then removing a person
27:30 Funny or disastrous moments?
27:46 Who’s having a meltdown?
28:28 Outsourcing – cleaners
31:08 Is this what you thought family would look like?
32:00 The perfect balance?
34:08 Any advice?
34:50 Mother guilt
37:08 Isolation in parenting

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I don’t think there is ever a perfect balance; I don't think it can ever feel exactly right. I think that's the big trap…they are probably never going to find it because it is always going to be hard